
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Time to get serious!

Again, many apologies for not updating my blog. It’s been a hectic three weeks! Right after I wrote my last blog I got a super bad cold. It sidelined me for 4 days! Of course, I was not able to run 60+ miles that week. I only did 40. It took me a few days to regain my strength. I did 54 miles last week including a 2x20 min. tempo and a long run of 20 miles in DC. I felt good in the long run. I was not very fast because my primary objective was to log a long run. I did not care if it was in the low or high 8’s at all. I just wanted to go out there, enjoy DC, and regain confidence in my endurance.
The Chicago Marathon is in less than 5 weeks so it’s time to get very serious with my training schedule and my diet. I have done two fantastic runs this week. I did 9 easy miles on Monday. On Tuesday, I did a grueling workout that included 1hr. of easy running, 2x1 mile speed intervals, and 3x5 min tempo runs for a total of 12 miles. The idea was to run the 2x1 mile intervals fast so that I could see where my speed is. I ran fast, 6:05 and 6:09 respectively. I felt strong and fresh. This is a good signal because I did this workout with very little rest between the long run of Saturday and yesterday. I will do easy runs in the next three days as am likely to run a half marathon on Saturday ( The idea is to test myself in a real race. I haven’t raced since May and I need to see what my fitness level is so that I can do changes to my training if necessary. I will tell you more as soon as I make a decision about it.

Good bye for now! Happy running!


  1. Sergio, Quiero que sepas que te leo religiosamente y que un día de estos me vas a explicar un poco más todo esto de 2x1 etcéteras. Cariños desde Chicago, Mariela

  2. Hola Mariela,

    Como va todo por Chicago? Por supuesto que te puedo explicar esas abreviaciones. Basicamente se refieren a intervalos de velocidad pero te puedo explicar con mas detalle. Saludos!
